
Economy - Reports
Ministry of Coal issues Allocation Orders for three Coal Mines As on : 06-Sep-24  11:59

The Ministry of Coal yesterday issued Allocation Orders for three Coal Mines namely Machhakata (Revised), Kudanali Lubri and Sakhigopal-B Kakurhi, to NLC India Limited, Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Limited and TANGEDCO respectively. Of these three coal mines, one is fully explored coal mine and two are partially explored coal mines. The cumulative Peak Rated Capacity (PRC) of the three coal mines for which Vesting Orders have been issued is ~ 30.00 MTPA and are having ~2,194.10 MT of Geological Reserves. These mines are expected to generate an Annual Revenue of ~Rs. 2,991.20 crores calculated on the basis of PRC and will attract Capital Investment of ~Rs. 4,500 crores. It will provide employment to approximately 40,560 people both directly and indirectly.

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